CorCenCC Crowdsourcing App

*** N.B. The iOS version of the CorCenCC crowdsourcing app has been updated, and users may experience problems with the previous version. Please update the app (to version 1.0.1) via the App Store to continue contributing to CorCenCC ***

Download here (iOS)
Download here (Android)

3The CorCenCC crowdsourcing app allows Welsh speakers to record their conversations across a range of contexts. This is one of the first apps that uses crowdsourcing methods for building a balanced corpus of natural language data, and will be used to complement more traditional methods of data collection.

The app makes contributing to the corpus a much more personal experience, giving users ownership and control of their own recordings. This, we hope, will allow us to include data that is as natural and as representative of everyday Welsh as possible.

The app is free to use and a first version is available to download here. Please feel free to contact us for more information on the app by emailing:, or if you wish to contribute data via other means, please email

For details on how to use the app, please click on the appropriate sections of our user guide below. A PDF version of this user guide is available here (the English starts on page 4).

Using the CorCenCC crowdsourcing app:

Logging In and Registering

Logging in to the app could not be easier – simply enter your email address and password into the two fields on the login page, and then click ‘Login’.

If you have not yet registered as a user of the app, you’ll need to do so first. Click ‘Register’ on the login page to go to ‘CorCenCC Registration’, where you’ll be asked to enter your email address and a chosen password (twice). Click ‘Register’ to go to the ‘CorCenCC Consent Form’ – where you will be able to tick a box to opt out of our anonymisation procedures if you wish – and if you are happy with everything, click ‘Agree’. You’ll receive an email to the address you registered with – click the link contained in the email to complete your registration, and you’ll then be able to log in.

Should you ever forget your password, simply click ‘Forgot Password?’ on the login page, and you will receive an email including an automatically-generated password. After you have logged in with this password, we recommend replacing it with a new password on the ‘Settings’ page.

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Navigating the CorCenCC Crowdsourcing App

The app has four main pages – ‘Recordings’, ‘Profile’, ‘About the Project’ and ‘Settings’ – which can be navigated between using the options on the tab bar at the bottom of the screen, which also has a fifth option for logging out of the app.

settingIf you are a newly registered user, you’ll receive the following message:profile incomplete

You’ll also see this kind of message any time you try to access the ‘Recordings’ page before the you have finished completing your user profile.

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Editing your Profile

To edit your user profile, click the ‘Profile’ tab to go to the ‘My Profile’ page. Here you can:

  • fill in your name (first and surname),
  • select your year of birth,
  • select your gender,
  • select where you live,
  • select your occupation and – if necessary – fill in your job title,
  • select the regions of Wales that have influenced your Welsh,
  • select how much of your communication happens in Welsh,
  • select from a list of options that describe where you developed your Welsh,
  • select from a list of options to describe your ability in Welsh,
  • select whether or not you consider yourself to be a learner of Welsh, and if applicable to fill in the level of your most recent Welsh course.

You will need to fill in all of these fields and save your profile before you will be able to go to the ‘My Recordings’ page and start recording your Welsh. There is also an option to tick a box to add yourself to the CorCenCC project mailing list, but this is not compulsory.

After making changes to your profile, click ‘Save Profile’ at the bottom of the page. If you attempt to leave the page without saving the changes, you will be notified that changes have been made to your profile and asked whether you want to save them – click ‘Yes’ to save any changes made to your profile, or click ‘No’ to go back to the ‘My Profile’ page and keep editing.

If you try to go to the ‘Recordings’ page and your user profile is still not complete, you will be notified of the outstanding fields that still need to be completed, and taken to ‘My Profile’ to continue editing.

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Making and Uploading Recordings


Clicking on the ‘Recordings’ tab will take you to the ‘My Recordings’ page, which lists all of the recordings that you have made so far. To make a new recording, click on ‘Make a Recording’.

Click on ‘Add Recording’ to go to a page where you can record either audio or video files to include in the recording. You’ll be shown a message asking you to record everybody involved in the conversation stating their names and their consent to being included in the recording – for more information on this, click here. You can use the green slider to choose between recording audio or video, and then click on the red button to start and stop an audio or video recording. You can record as many audio and video files as you like – the consent recording will be clearly labelled as such. Press the black triangle on the left of a recorded file to play it back, or the cross on its right to delete it.

Back on the previous page, you’ll now see ‘X file(s) recorded’ printed under the ‘Add Recording’ button. Before saving your recording, you’ll need to click on ‘+ Additional Information’ to provide some details about the recording, including:

  • topic of the recording (one or more tags, separated by commas),
  • a setting for the recording,
  • who was involved,
  • any additional information (optional).

Click on ‘Save Recording’ and you’ll then be prompted to provide a name for the recording. The recording will then be saved and will appear in future on the list on the ‘My Recordings’ page. Recordings in the list can be deleted by sliding left and pressing the red ‘Delete’ button that appears, although please note that after a recording has been uploaded for inclusion in the final corpus (see below) deletion is not possible.

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Uploading your Recording for Inclusion in CorCenCC

Saved recordings are stored on our database and linked to your user profile, but you need to confirm for us that you want them to be included in the final corpus. Click on any of the recordings in your list on the ‘My Recordings’ page to view and playback the audio and/or video files contained within it, and for a chance to edit the details you provided using the ‘Additional Information’ button. If you are happy with a recording, click ‘Upload to Corpus’ to confirm that you wish to contribute the recording and its contents to CorCenCC.
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The ‘Settings’ tab allows three changes to be made:

  • Changing the default language of the app between Welsh and English,
  • Changing the email address you use to log in,
  • Changing your password.

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For help using the app or to report any technical issues, please email us at: